HOW Venetians pushed us into Poverty

A chapter extracted from “The Ghost”, special version for  –Autodifesa / Self Defense -  Matteo and Giovanna.




Veneto Background




.                     Venetians Pushed Us Into Povertà!


Enemy pushed us into poverty and did everything possible in keeping us into such condition.


We suffered lack of food in Italy and it was because someone wanted to destroy us preventing whatever aid in our direction. First the enemy destroy our job and later, when we remained without money,  hindered those who were able to help us. This part teaches how in Italy our enemy can isolate inopportune citizens using on purpose police forces, authorities and  friends inserted in whatever organism. That is, using the same means utilized to maintain order and law.


Into Italian people there is the idea that no one suffers from lack of food in the their nation: people think the problem is only in Africa and in the “third” underdeveloped world. Most of Italians believe  poor people are only the foreigners and the immigrants, they also think Italians have assistance by the social services established by nation’s law and by the Roman Catholic Church. Thinking of Italians must be considered carefully because they are not only  wrong, but they especially hide a particular idea spread by press and media. This idea is supported also by political parties and is publicized by humanitarian  organization. Our experience shows the truth is long far this. Often poor people, drug addicts and some other categories of people are exploited like economic sectors are, and are not managed in the name of love,  charity or pity.


The common opinion and false appearance created by the system exacerbate the problem and  a serious division grows between who can help and who would be helped.  Reasons why the truth is misrepresented are a lot. In this chapter we want describe our personal experience both as poor people and as an observer of poor people. Reader will see that poverty and injustice are strictly correlated. Considerations are written apart.




CAP.1                        Before the Flight

We lived where we were born until 2001, then we moved away in another province. In 2004 we were living a typical life away from relatives and birthplace environment and all intrigues. We were working both in our software house and we had a lot of plans ahead. Since 2000, we became victims of stalking offence carried out by an important businessman, the situation became clear only some years later when the “stalker” went for end-game: the total destruction of our  life. In 2004, due to stalker's actions and a lack of law we lost work and we became little later indigent people. Because of the abominable Italian’s law that assign indigent people to the closest relative in order to obtain assistance, the new poor condition came out the probably return to birthplace. We tried to defend ourselves saying strong that we could not return there and all purpose we explained in dept to police and prosecutors the situation. Instead to obtain a positive result, our reports created a pandemonium that involved authorities, mayors and all closed into the territory.

On March 2005 it became clear that it was better for us to leave Veneto region. Initially we thought that we should stay away for some months as long as the chaos would be finished. We left home and all that we owned in Veneto, hoping a return but indeed we never came back. The war against the enemy and local authorities, all involved, went forward: we tried to create the surrounding conditions of the home return, continuing the fight from outside.

Some  police members involved into affairs tried to block us spreading defamation and creating false accusation into the machine of justice, they operated also manipulating reports,  concealing papers preventing them would be reached by prosecutors. They also used old laws promulgated into fascist period (1930) to limit our freedom…


CAP.2                        Phases

Italian territory is divided into smaller parts called regions. Most known are Sicily, Tuscany, Lazio, Sardinia and Umbria… A region is like a small state and can have special legislation. Each region has a principal town. Rome, for example, is both the principal town of the Lazio region and  the capital of Italy. Region itself is divided into smaller territories called provinces that have the same name of the principal town. We were born in Veneto region whose principal town is the famous Venice; other town are Verona, Padova (also known as Padua or Patavium), Vicenza, Treviso, Rovigo, Belluno.  Even if it’s not properly exact, often we say the birthplace area is into the “Venetian area”; the reason is that birthplace is totally under the control of Venice since 15th century, when Venice was a republic famously called “La Serenissima” and the birthplace was a colony of its patrician families (precisely Veneto area correspond to all region territory, instead the Venetian area correspond to the territory of Venice and its province). Often we use the term Venetians to indicate not citizen of Venice but the enemy’s  circle made up Venetians.


In 2005 we went away from Veneto and we never came back .

Between 2005 and 2010 we moved away into six different Italians regions. We tell you below.


(A)             Summer 2005

During the 2005 summer we purchased a little tent paid 33 euros  and we rolled from town to town looking for people and politicians who could or should resolve the situation. We continued to ask for justice and to send further reports as we told in the previous parts… At that time we hoped in an authority action that would have permitted us to come back home soon. We hadn’t the slightest idea what to do, police forces had left us without protection and totally isolated. In September, seeing all ways of justice were systematically closed, we tried to interest press. In October we finished money without any politicians or reporters helped us,  therefore we were obliged to stop. It had start the suffering period: the darkest period of our life. The discouragement was immense.



(B)            The 1st   region


«It’s late October, our pockets hide few euros, we have for no longer food. We are living in the tent. We must take a decision what to do about. We have money enough to catch the train looking for a priest who helped us in the past, on spiritual purpose. We think it is a possible way. Even if we have no money to return, notwithstanding  we decide to go. We reach the place in the evenings with all baggage and obviously with our tent. On place a person informs us the priest has been moved, “-Now he should be at Rome”,  he says. We beg food or money and we have the grace to obtain 20 euros. Famished, we go to a food market and we purchase some bread and something else to eat. We haven’t the slightest idea what to do, it’s late and there will be trains until tomorrow.

We looking for a place to install the tent. We wake up early in the morning, and before anyone can see us, we close the tent and put in the bag. We decide to go in a camping where we have been in the summer,  yet. So we catch the train. We arrived in the evenings. In our own pockets only few coins. The owners are an Italian family that stays in, they don’t know our situation, in their mind we are sportive persons with the mania of tent adventure. We tell nothing.

The camping is situated on the shore of a lovely lake bounded by mountains. We put our small tent just nearby water. The situation is unspeakable but the surrounding nature provides us with the necessary calm. “Today we have done enough, tomorrow is another day” we think.»


Those above have been the first steps into the 1st region that started this period. In this region we tried to get a new life and indeed it was the first attempt to do this outside Veneto region  (before this time we moved from town to town with the aim to find who could resolve the situation, in order to return home soon). At that moment we were featured by a tent, two sleeping bag, two suitcases, a little camp cooking stove, a phone powered by digital camera able to store video, a folder containing  all reports sent to the courts, and some folders containing a mixture of photo and documents which represented our past story. 


The days after our arrive, we moved  into the villages around searching food, money and work. We found something here and there, but always insufficient for real needs. On the day after we met for the first time a priest in order to ask him food, this is what happened:


«we are going quickly on a hill where someone might give us a food, we are about five km away the camping when we hear a car that is approaching in the back. We turn the head and we see a police car. Two militaries get down and block us. “who are you? Where are you going? how  aren’t  you  working?” are three demands that they speak loudly  immediately.

We have fear and become more agitated reminding what happened in Veneto, in addition we are famished and the stop could cause us the impossibility to reach the food place. We give passport to police officers and while they make a control over our identities; we tell something about the situation. On the occasion we ask aid, but they do nothing: —“I wish you a good future” ironically one of them  speaks us. After they let us to go we restart walking quickly reaching the food place as soon as possible. During walking we think that police officers have been sent by priest who had meet the day before».


Priest and local police officers mentioned above became very hostile persons, they were people totally under the control of the Enemy and they operated in the territory against us. Only an old priest understood our situations.

We did everything possible to come out the awful condition: we tried interesting public opinion, mayors of the area, and other police forces, despite we continued staying in tent lacking from food and suffering cold until the end of December. We saw death face to face. We had a serious weight loss. 


The situation stunned us and later anything was as before: we began thinking different about Italy, Italians and law. Police forces, social operators, mayors all these showed indifference. Those who picked up money for African’s poor have given us neither a soup nor a coin. Priests who had helped a lot of foreigners when they came into Italy, took no actions on the our case. Prosecutors left us in those conditions. All together believed they were not appropriate to resolve the situation because law doesn’t provide for the our case and consequently they did nothing.

To remain calm in such conditions was a  heroic act, we think the most people would go crazy or would move ourselves to suicide.

 «In the evenings the cold becomes intolerable, before sleeping we fill about six plastic bottles with hot water and we keep them into the sleeping bag; during the night we awake in order to empty bottles and fill with hot water again. We repeat this operation two or three times per night. On the morning all goes slow, we wait the sun warms up and melts the ice over the tent . In lucky days we have milk or long coffee. Staying above the wall’s stones nearby water we admired the lake and the seagulls that spend the winter here waiting a new season».


Living in this area we understood for the first time how operated the  network among police forces, social assistance, operators provided by law and Roman Catholic Church. Normally this network works to maintain the public order, social security and so on, but in our case the same structure operated creating disorder, chaos and injustice. The problem was not at all police officers themselves or other operators, but the fact that our enemy used its people infiltrated into network to destroy our life and to prevent someone helped us. One of the method used was defamation and it  was spread to the Town Halls of the area as well as into local police and local Church. The objective was to prevent us to get a new life and consequently to rise the necessity to return into Venetian’s  families, preventing every possible flight of information about the case.


Running on such conditions, the “first region” became like Veneto: the our own region. This phenomenon, as we will see later, it will happen in all regions where we tried to get a new life and this will confirm the enormous enemy power. If we expired our death would have been an example for all those who would want rebels against Venetian circle, that it means in few: “Those who ask for justice are dead men”.


Venetians commanded to lake’s authorities to refuse us any aid, so we were forced to return into birthplace. Of course Venetians operated illegally and behind the scene. To do this, Venetians moved people indirectly and in astute manner: they created the false appearance that we have had only a simply discussion with our families concealing the real facts. Venetians told that we were young, we were lazy, hiding at all our experience and our previous works. They blind people and the result was that the most treated us like young-carefree-people.


The authorities must supply to citizens the basic necessities when they ask for this, however local people and officers didn’t respect our human and civil rights. Even if our needs were so obvious and we begged again aid again and again,  they took no action. Even they don’t worry about they  would have been involved in a crime whether for their actions or whether for their no actions! If we died the event would have been merely declared as a misfortune and the Enemy operated just in this way: our elimination without a guilty party.


We continued to stay in tent despite some people attempted to send us into birthplace, but since Venetians destroyed all that they came in contact, later we were forced to move outside tent place, going  into more distant villages where there weren’t defamation yet. 


«On Thursday 27th October,  hungry, we are going to social services of the local village addressing to a young male officer. It seem he doesn’t understand the situation, so he decide to photocopy some our writing thinking to study in dept later. “We are famished, we need food!” we spoke him, our words irritate him but he has no positive reaction, the situation leaves him completely cold. We turn again his attention on our need of food asking him 5 euros. He looks at me like I was a addict who is begging few money for drugs, but after some minutes he thinks to do something about. With calm and behind the desk he tells us: “I will search for food, I’ll phone you when I have information about”. We realize that we have done all possible in this office and we go. Time passes and he doesn’t call us, so we manage the situation by ourselves. A week after he has not phoned us, yet. So we come back to his office, and this time there is in place also a female co-worker. When he sees our faces through the door he remained stupefied, we discover that he did not worry about us and  it seems he totally forget the problem.This time we tell again some aspects, his colleague searching for a solution phones all around and finally she gives us a list of some houses where addicts are aided. We realize she doesn’t understand the problem, we don’t use drugs, and we understand that they are very incompetent persons. »



Let us write: the difference between a drug addict and who doesn’t use drugs, as we are, is strong evident! 


We will have nothing from the persons mentioned above: when it came into light our true condition also on the camp site, the owners talked to their parish priest: priest’s words fail to meet the hopes or expectations of them. It become clear the priest doesn’t want aid us. This priest of the local parish never aid us and blocked everyone who wants do something. Another priest, who came in the parish in the week-end, was astonished when his colleague refused us not only few coins but also any food. We rolled around the villages with our rucksack on shoulders frightened, so someone spread the idea that we were  radical terrorists with bombs…. also the parish spread the same idea.

Notwithstanding, the owners of the camp tried to find out a work, unfortunately they hadn’t success.


The gossip around us grew and it creates the necessity to search for food outside the village. We began to walk a lot.


Two days before Christmas and little before a snowstorm, a person outside of village, for his own decision arranged a cupboard with two beds. We began to live in the new place. We came back to the tent only some days after in order to get our suitcases, and we found the tent was collapsed under the snow. The fact impressed us.


We kept going, but we remained always in the same conditions, first of all the food problem.


On mid-February police officers, social services and the Church were going to end game. They put pressure on the person who accommodate us in the cupboard. We heard a churchman to tell  “The two person are deceiving you. You must send them outside the house! We will send us to the principal town dormitory and there someone will punish us  ”. Some day after the person sent us in the road and closed the cupboard, on the occasion he referred us that the order came from police officers.


We had fear and we knew if we went to the dormitory about 40 km away, authorities applying a law could send us to birthplace, so we took refuge elsewhere, waiting for another idea about what to do. We remained in the new place only few days because the people who had put pressure work again with the persons who were aiding. In that days, we met a mayor who gave us some money.


On March 13, 2006 we left  the baggage and the tent there and we escaped outside the region with only our rucksacks, we never came back.


The flight became necessary because the “first” region became like the Veneto region. The Venetians operated like a tornado, where they moved they created destruction and desolation also inside authorities and the only way possible to survive was the escape.




When we lived in tent, on November 9  unexpectedly we received a communication FAX coming from Rome Court. It was absolutely the first time that we kept in touch with a prosecutor! We thought that  the prosecutor could be our rescuer.  Imagine you are a survivor of shipwreck at the mercy of waves and unexpectedly you see a ship on a distance:  this was our feeling at the arrival of prosecutor’s fax.


On the occasion the prosecutor wrote us:  “the statement mailed on 5th May 2005 reached the Court”, a good information, but little later he wrote:  “the previously statements haven’t reached the Court and it seems they have been stolen or lost, so I have recorded into logbook the crime.”. The worst thing was the prosecutor not understanding what happened, wanted to close the proceeding.  Notwithstanding the prosecutor’s intentions, the new fax connection gave us a direct contact: the fax number of the prosecutor and his name. “He could take a copy of the paper lost or stolen directly from us preventing further losses” we thought. We prepared quickly with the best hopes  a new dispatch composed by:  a presentation page, a copy of all previous missing papers, further evidences, in addition  we enclosed  a detailed description of the human situation —including our needs of food— .  The pack was sent by registered letter. Preventing further loss, we warned prosecutor by fax about the new incoming dispatch. Fortunately someone gave us the necessary money to complete the operation.

Plus we made opposition to the closure of proceeding by fax and registered letter, including the circumstantial evidences, indicating thefts took place inside the Court. Into the communications we explained clearly the reasons of opposition.  After we waited for a reply. Prosecutor didn’t reply us and hopeless we continued to stay in tent. We emphasize that money and resources  which we used to write and send letters became miraculously from outside the village, after we unsuccessfully asked for local aid. 



During the time we stayed at lake we have had a weight-loss, in the area there weren’t  dining-room for poor, some parishes gave once or twice a month a shopping bag with food like cans of beans and  tuna, spaghetti or pasta, cheese, milk. Usually the food pack was so small that it finished within two or three days. The climate was very cold, living  in the tent  we needed to eat meat, bread  and other good food. So in the most time we spent in the area we were famished. Some solutions came out only by our own legs, walking a lot of kilometers searching for every food solutions. There was no one who took food for us, we moved in any atmospheric condition, going on foot, even into illness.  Sometimes we found someone outside the area who gave us money and so we purchased food, but it was a pure chance that happened only three or four times. On such conditions it was impossible to us to find a job, not only for the problem of Venetians who obstructed all ways, but also for our own bad conditions, for example we spent the most day time looking for food. We had only a  torch not rechargeable, when the batteries ran down we remained in the dark so when the sun go down we began sleeping until sun come up again. The camp site had the toilet on open air, during the summer this is beautiful, but in winter it is hard, notwithstanding we took  hot shower and we did the washing. The toilet had hot water, and this aspect saved us because we used the hot water to warm ourselves during sleeping, filling plastic bottles which we kept into the light sleeping bag.


We could get a new life in the region only if someone helped us, but this event didn’t happen.

There will be a lot of aspect to tell about, but we stop now. During that period we had got a mobile phone powered by digital camera. We recorded a lot of pictures about…



(C)            The First Intermezzo


Between March 13 and March 22, before to arrive in the 2nd region where we lived two year, we rolled around the Italian territory looking for aid and later we successfully made an expedition to Rome Court.


The first day we slept in a hotel paying only 25 euros. The day after we were hosted free by some friars, one of them gave us 20 euro, so in the morning we caught the train looking for a solution away. In the new town where we got off we found aid two days: we were so tired that we slept the most time. Later we found no solutions and thank to a priest we caught the train with destination Court-One* about 400 km away. The train was totally full, we traveled on the night and we arrived at morning. We spent the whole day asking for aid and a looking a place where to sleep, the day wasn’t so fortunate as the previous ones, we remained outdoor all the night. The new day we begged money and food and thank to collected money we successfully entered into a low-priced hostel near the Court-One* offices.


«On 22nd March we finally decide to go to the Court-One* offices, but when we are in front of the palace of justice we feel that is not the appropriate action. “Perhaps, must we go first to Military Court*, and later to this?” we asked ourselves. We never reached the military Court in order to know what’s happened about our report mailed in June 2005. “Perhaps it’s better to do that before” we agree. The military Court is near here. At the Court we met an kind officer that says us our crime reports has been sent to the Court-One*: “the military Court can handle only the crimes involving military parts, so we have sent all papers to the normal Court” he says. We inform the officer that our previous paper have been lost or stolen into the normal Court, “our delivery method is assured” he answer showing us a delivery note, and saying hello to us he encourages to  go as soon as possible to the Court-One* offices.

Then we reached on few minutes the Court-One* and we ask information about the report received from Military Court*. The officer inform us the proceeding had been closed on January, about three months ago. “It has been closed without inform us about, without a trial?” we reply. “It happens” he answers. So we ask for the previous proceeding, the one that has been opened by the prosecutor who had sent the fax on 9th November 2005. The officer inquires the database and discovers that also that proceeding had been closed on January.

Quickly we go to the prosecutor’s office: here there isn’t the prosecutor because he is in vacation all week, but we find a kind officer that invite us to go to another office. It’s late and offices are closing, so we go quickly to the preliminary judge in order to obtain further information. The judge cannot meet us— or not wants—, despite we obtain successfully the decree of the proceeding closure.»


Did that, we thought that we had everything possible in this town. We had no money to remain other days, so we caught the train to flight away.



(D)            The 2nd region


On 23rd March 2006, we entered into the 2nd region, with our own rucksack without. In the pockets 15 euro and something else. Two years later, on March 17 we left the region in the same condition we entered: by train, two rucksacks, without a precise destination, frightened .

What happened during that period we tell below.


                        (i)      Entering


«We are thinking to go to Ancona, a town situated in the Center-Italy, but we discover that there aren’t train until tomorrow. We don’t want to stay here longer and we catch another train in the same line arriving in another town. During the night we stay awake in the railway station. In the early morning a person asks me an information; thank to this situation,  seeing the trains table, I realize that we are near a particular spiritual place we never visited, so we think to cut our previous project and go there to ask a divine aid. We catch the train and in 15 minutes we arrive. After the arriving someone offers us a breakfast and encourages to go to a near place where people will help us surely.

We are admitted into a house for the poor under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church. In the structure we have a bed and we have breakfast, lunch and dinner free. The first days we are so exhaust that we only sleep and eat. We pray to the Lord and we express gratitude that we are still alive. The tent at lake seems so far now.»


Initially the head of the structure grants us one week, but later the period will became larger. The new town was very nice and it was the first time we took a break from the infernal period lived in the 1st region. On our own pocket we had only 15 euro, but we were still alive.

Now we were about 350 km away birthplace in the center-Italy. The life into the structure always in contact with poor people and people with all kind of disturb was very hard. It was the first time we entered into a structure like that, but it was much better solution than a dormitory.  Even if the North-Italy is  known as the most developed part of Italy, our personal experience teaches that the Center-Italy is more organized to aid people and people themselves are less stressed.


On the Easter festivity Giovanna started a work in a restaurant like a dishwasher. The job doesn’t resolve our problems because the money earned was too few to get a new life outside the structure, but the incoming money permitted us more freedom: we began to move in bus, to write curricula in order to find a job, to connect internet  checking mailboxes and we had sufficient means to meet our simple needs, for instance to purchase toothpaste, shampoo and to take a coffee….   

                     (ii)      The Venetians

It seems a new existence sprang up in a village into one of the best regions of the world.

Our hopes vanished soon. It happened the Venetians came out again also in this region.


The head of the structure, Mr. Vinci*[1],  kept in touch with birthplace with the aim to obtain information about us and money either by our relatives or by Venetian’s Town Hall. Doing this he brought into the structure defamation and opened the way to Venetians. The Venetians localized us and they began to spread defamation  and false accusation. The objective was to prevent us to get a new life. In short it happened the same facts that had happened in the “first” region when we lived in tent nearby lake.


Venetians commanded to head of the structure, Mr. Vinci* to stop us any aid and to send us in Veneto into our families, they told we belonged to family that have house and other goods not from poor families, therefore we hadn’t the necessity to stay in the structure.  Then Venetians moved in place against us their people, among whom a person coming from the birthplace area and considered a man of confidence. This man spread the idea we were lazy and we were spending our vacations in the region using the money of the Church assigned to poor people.


Initially we were in the dark about the operation made by Mr. Vinci*,  we remained into the center  further time because the head had gone abroad and his subordinate kept us in the structure. When he returned in Italy the subordinate put out on the road. Talking about the situation with the owner of the restaurant  it came into light  she have had the directive to dismiss us in favor of another black woman, hosted in the structure. The reason was that black woman had more needs than us because our families had house and other possessions in Veneto. Later the owner of the restaurant understood the problem and not dismiss us. So the meeting with the owner of the restaurant  came into light the fact that someone in the structure has been in contact with Venetians, further details we will know later.


After we were put out “on the road” the only way possible was to accommodate in hotel, so in few days we burned our money. On 1st September we found a room  where we inhabited for three months.


                   (iii)      Flying to the South.

In September while we are living in the 2nd region  we realized that Police force was doing nothing and no one tried to stop the Venetians. We tried another way of justice, so we prepared a new report for a new Court.


«On  September 7, in the evening we are catching a train, we get off  in Tuscany’s railway station and from there we wait for the first train to Rome thence we get on a train directed to south-Italy. We arrive in the morning at the Court. Immediately the police officer working at Court  realizes the seriousness of the situation and he talks about to a prosecutor. Anti-mafia proceeding is opened immediately and a new prosecutor assigned! In the afternoon we are catching another train to come back. Two weeks later, we catch the train again in order to know something about the proceeding. When we arrive at Court, in the elevator a man speaks: “the water of the lagoon is just arrived here”, we don’t understand what he means; little later we meet the prosecutor and he inform us the proceeding has been moved into another Court. The water of the lagoon is just arrived here, we think. The new Court is into the 2nd region where we are living now, but the news is very unhappy because we have no faith on the new court.»


                  (iv)      Tea party


We had the Venetians on the back, so immediately after we came back from the Southern-Court we reached the Court-Two*. The Court-Two* was about 15 km away from the village where we were living at that time.


«We enter the Court and we see into offices some ladies, it seems they are participating a tea party,  we ask information about the proceeding. “It must submit a form in order to obtain the name of the prosecutor and it takes about 15 days to obtain the answer” the officer says us. We were surprised, in the Southern-Court the situation was evaluated so critical that it was assigned a prosecutor immediately, and here now it takes 15 days to know the name. “If you want, we can mail the answer to your domicile” the official says us.  Astonished, we leave the court doing nothing. We cannot wait for so long time, connecting to internet at the court’s web page we are looking for an idea. We find some name of prosecutors working on it, “we can send them directly a letter” we think, then  we prepare a communication and we send three fax to the Court addressed to three different prosecutor extracted at random among the entire list. In the letter we explain the reasons of the urgency. We have the luck that the prosecutor assigned to us is just included into the three persons extracted. Unfortunately the prosecutor replies us that he refuses any meeting. We are astonished because the prosecutors of the Southern-Court told to meet the new prosecutor as soon as possible, however now he doesn’t want talk us.»


On November the restaurant works a little, we began to have few money. A person kept in touch with us in order to offer a new job: in the meeting  we discovered that such person want only know some aspect of our life and it came out that he was born near our birthplace. After this fact, the owners of the room where we were living, decided that the room would not be available yet.

Some days before we pushed again the prosecutor to meet us. On last November the head of the secretary ship said us “probably the prosecutor doesn’t meet you because he has sent all papers to police and consequently he can’t answer your questions about. You can put down another copy of the report”. So the officer photocopied the originals and brought prosecutor the report again. After this operation the prosecutor had all documents: however he continued to refuse any meeting.




                     (v)      On open air

Some days after, on 1st December  we were newly al fresco and we started again to roll around the region begging food and money. At that time a close friend friar died, he helped us a lot in the past, we didn’t take part in the funeral.


We moved from town to town.

«On the evenings we arrive in a new town, we take a phone book and we begin to call parish and priest begging a sleeping place. Mostly takes it as wrong. We have fear  and we are exhaust. At 10.30 PM we reach the central Church and we ring at doorbell. A priest comes out, “you are lucky, St. Anthony have done a miracle” he says and “here, in this town the services for the poor operate well, you must keep in contact with our personnel the next week, now I can give you some money and I send you to a friendly hotel”. We express gratitude and we go immediately to the hotel. Money are not sufficient to stay in hotel until the next week, so on Saturday we search other solutions. A citizen say us the priest who told us the day before was the bishop. The citizen says  there is in place a priest who help all people even Albanians  and he immediately phones him. The priest refuses to help us because he says to know us, he refers to us as: “the two young people that are spending holidays on the region with the money of the Church”. After the unsuccessfully operation the man accompany us to a monastery. Here the friars hosted us in a little room for two days. It’s cold, the heating system isn’t  working and there is a hole in a window, however the friars bring us food and wine. On Monday we return to bishop’s personnel, but we don’t find the responsible. We return to friars but it’s not possible to stay there another day. In the evenings another priest introduce us into another monastery but only for a night. The situation seems irresolvable and out door we could freeze to death » 


We kept going, we moved into another near village, here we found two Communists who send us to the Town Hall. We submitted the case to the woman responsible. She opened a folder and filled a form with our data. “It’s possible to help you even if you are not resident in this territory, now we start the proceeding and later if it has success, we could help to restart a new life paying a room and food. We do all this in synergy with Church, we pay and Church put at your disposal a room or a house”.  The officer was very kind but she had no solution in the short-time, hoping in a imminent solution in the meantime we tried to survive.


The story  demonstrates in the months later that the proceeding opened will be blocked. Probably the problem was the defamation spread into the Church by the Venetians that stopped the synergy written above.


On mid-December we entered into another structure for poor people, it was the second time. We experimented immediately a problem. We discovered the structures were all connected within them and they established a network. The network had stored information about us, so when we entered into the new structure they had data on their database yet. The fact became a problem for us, because the head of the first structure keeping in touch with the Venetians had collected defamation about us and a lot of wrong facts as we told above in   The Venetians”, so the problem spread into the entire network, so the data collected  prejudiced every dialog: we continued to be considered as lazy persons and criminals as we already referred. A man heading the new structure said us: “there are some information about you that are not clear”, notwithstanding  someone helped us because they had an aversion to the head of the 1st structure. We remained in this house until December 27 when it closed. The climate was extremely cold, we were forced to stay outdoor all day long because the house was opened between 6 PM and 7 AM.


                  (vi)      Military Police

Our hopes brought down when we saw the Court-Two* did nothing about our case,  and we began thinking on the flame-out of the good work started on September  by Southern-Court* . During the time while we were hosted in the structure we turn into a new way of justice. Despite we have fear of military police we went to the local station in order to debate about our situation.

Previously the military police both of Veneto’s domicile and second region, treated us badly following the Venetians guidelines preventing any debate, but that time was not the same.

The new officers  worked about the case, in particular they decided to write all the story again. The operation took about 10 hours. During the time police-men obtained our originals and a lot of evidences.  


We experimented  away Veneto things could be different.



                (vii)      The 2nd Province of the 2nd region


x1-             The arrival

On  December 27 the structure closed and we were forced  to move away. On the occasion a co-head helped us keeping in touch with the structure of another town, she had a friend working there and she successfully sent in the new structure situated about 100 km away. Her friend was a chief —who was replaced by a person coming from Veneto a month later— and we had no problem to enter . She gave us the money necessary to catch the train and to purchase some sandwiches.


«It’s late, the structure closes and till the end we haven’t the slightest idea where to go. The co-head of the structure has an idea and calls a friend working as director in another structure about 100 km away. Her friend controls and he finds two places, but we must have an interview before. She gives us the money to catch the train and to purchase two sandwiches. We leave in a hurry the structure. On the train we think about the destination: we never reached such town, who knows where are we going now? We deserve a better fate, but can we do better when our life is on the hands of the others? It’s not the first time we are going into a unknown place, a unknown situation. Do people understand my actual sensations? Those above are only some thoughts that enter on my mind looking through the train window»


Just arrived and after the interview we were hosted in two structures, one for the men and another for the women. Structures were about 1 km one another. The male structure was opened into working day from 4 PM to 8 AM and during festivities and Sunday all day long, instead the female structure provided women with the door key so they have more freedom, however they must come back before the 10 PM.  The male structure was managed by two men, one of them sleeps into the structure too. The female structure was under the control of Mr. and Mrs. Pea*. The responsible of both structure was an Albanian man: Mr. Beda*. The two structured ran under an association that carried out the service in favor of poor people, immigrated, political refugee. Municipality owned the both the two structures, however  they were managed by the association, which was under the total control of the Roman Catholic Church. The chiefs were two persons, one was the president of the association and another was the curia’s representative we call into this document as Mr. Scout*.


The  two structures were normal houses situated in outskirts about 5 km away the center,  near a watercourse running along an opening valley. The place was beautiful, unfortunately the inhabitants were not exactly the same. Near there were other apartments and houses in service, generally held by poor families. We had no money.


«In my room into the male structure there are five beds. My bed is just near the door, on the right the bed of Rumanian who come from Transylvania, in front of me two bunk beds, in the upper bed there is another Rumanian and in the bottom an African. All are searching for a job or they are already working. The house is provided with two bathrooms but only one is available to us. Honestly, the bathroom is not properly clean, so I use two plastic bags: one per foot to take safety a shower. Other rooms hosted other people among whom Arabians, Africans, Albanians  and other Northeast European peoples. Downstairs there is a large room provided by a table and television set, in another room there are  cooking gas with only two places and a fridge. All this means that the house is more than a simple dormitory, people can cook but there’s no food except old-but-good bread, salt and sometimes there are milk and marmalade and spaghetti. Some inhabitants of the structure are under the control of the police and they must go every day to police station, others are ex-prisoner »


«The female structure is smaller than the male, among the inhabitants there are “badanti[2] that come from the Europeans’ ex-communist states, prostitutes under protection and citizen with psychological problems. The place is very small, there is only a bathroom and two rooms where women sleep all together,  no one has a personal place to put its own things: clothes and other things remained closed on the suitcases. The life is very hard. Nearby there were other houses held by some African and Albanian families, but in the case they have a single apartment per family ».


In the town a lot of male foreigners were employed as bricklayer, hod carriers and day laborer. Instead nice females were employed as waitress  and the others as “badante” that is a custodian of  senior citizens often sick. Someone in the town told that a lot of male citizen had lovers among foreigners.

During the international crisis also Italians looked for the works listed above, unfortunately they were in our position the only works possible, but it was very difficult to be taken in service because foreigners monopolized the sector of the lowest works, in addition  in most cases workers were handled by rackets  made up by a foreigners and  mafia mixture.


In the structures we hadn’t a safe place to keep things, some times something has been stolen, so we were forced continuously  to bring the most important things on our own shoulders inside a rucksacks: we moved also in bathroom with the rucksacks! The town was provided by a free dining room for poor people, in the early stages in the evenings we ate there, to reach the room we moved on foot because we had no money in order to catch bus: it took two or three hours to go and as much to come back. The dining room  was accessible only at 6.00 PM. The dining room environment became dangerous and later we never went again. At that time to satisfy our stomach  we remembered  we ate a lot of cakes made by candied fruit, which were left after Christmas time.




x2-             The war


To understand what happened in dept it needs to introduce some information:

the female structure was managed by two Italian people officially a man and a woman  who lived in the same place, they lived like a family, even if they were not properly that; we refer to them as Mr. And Mrs. Pea.  On the day we arrived into the structure, the Peas offered us a dinner in their house, which was itself a part of the edifice, on the occasion we discovered they were friends of director (Mr. Vinci*) and co-director of the first structure for the poor we entered on  March 2006. In practice they were inserted into the network that had created us a lot of problems, the network handled by Venetians (see (ii) "The Venetians).


The all period we lived in the 2nd town, between 27 December 2006 and March 2008, has been characterized by the invisible war against the Venetians, and in particular against Mr. And Mrs. Pea.

In the early stages they put defamation about our name onto the head and co-head of the structures and later into authorities, civil police included (sometime we refer to Mrs. Pea as ‘The police’s witch’)! However in the latest period the co-head, who has been in the past a military officer, understood the role of The Peas and helped us leaving them outside.




x3-             The Media Appeal broadcasted nationwide


In February 2007, the new director of structures for poor, a Venetian, was driving out us, so  we entered into the police headquarters in order to obtain aid and to inform about.


«We are talking with a police-man about our story, we understand that we have no chance, the policeman doesn’t feel the problem. “In the past you have charged important person without thinking the consequences” he says and “you had to think before your move would have created problems. Now we can do nothing, you must manage troubles by yourselves”. Suddenly while we decide to go, a superior officer who is moving around the room tells to the colleague that he would like to speak us. He is interested but he has not sufficient time now, he asks us if we can come back next week. We agree. On the meeting the police-man discovers that we already have done all steps in justice, “You must know that in Italy to move someone or something you must put some pepper” he says and “we could make public your story in order to obtain aid, have you ever gone to newspapers?”. We answer we had tried in the past without success. The police-man insists and calls directly a journalist and books immediately an appointment for the afternoon. He says it’s difficult that prosecutors will be moved by news but we should obtain aid by the social services of district. On the afternoon we arrive at the newspaper offices, we have an interview and journalist promises the articles will be published soon. We are agitated and we wait for the event with impatience. No one reporters until then wanted to published something about our story »


The article appeared in the local newspaper at the beginning of March on Sunday. The newspaper had a regional circulation and it was placed on the first  page of the town’s section. The journalist was the intermediary between us and any possible reader or authorities. It made no the predicted effects. Town hall and mayor  remained in silence and the heads of the structures became furious for their citation into the piece of news despite no one kept in touch with us. However it happened that the article called another nationwide reporter attention. Reading the article the new reporter wanted us in her program. It happened as written below:


«Unexpectedly newspaper journalist call me at phone: “A television program’s  reporter kept in contact with newspaper, she wants to talk you directly, can I give her your telephone number?”. I’m surprised and I agree. Soon after the TV’s reporter calls me directly, she is a woman. “I want you on my program” she says. At the moment I’m alone and I don’t take any decision so we agree to keep in contact again tomorrow. I’m stunning and happy. The day after she calls me again and I refer the positive answer. She has few time, our participation is already fixed some days after on Tuesday morning, into a live nationwide television program. The program is broadcasted by one of the most important channel in Italy: RAI DUE ”»


On mid-March the live interview were broadcasted. However now some information are due: the reporter was astonished by our article not for the justice story, but she focused on the fact we were entrepreneurs: she said us that similar things happened in U.S. rather than in Italy, she thought the life in tent was a good story for television viewers. When reporter read better the article she understood the facts were deeper than she thought initially, therefore she wanted to block the event but it was too late, so on the occasion reporter forbade us to talk about justice, prosecutors, courts and so on. It just happened during the interview we talked only about the life in tent, our job, our hopes and about the workless situation at that moment. At the end the presenter launched an appeal to save us to viewers.


Now, we went back on the day before the RAI channel interview:

«In the afternoon we are catching the train to Rome, the train trip had been reserved by RAI. At arrival in Rome a RAI’s car bring us to the hotel near the studios, we dine in a near delicious  restaurant. In the morning we enter into the famous studios of via Teulada in Rome, and before noon we are just in video. We talk with a well-known presenter, I think the presenter is better live than on screen. After, someone tells us the interview has been a success. Soon after we catch a train to come back. On trip we think finally we will come out from the nightmare we entered since 2005 and now someone will help us. We have the best hopes and dreams ».



x4-             After the media appeal


On the day we had the live interview we didn’t know that newspaper had published a piece of news indicating our participation. When we arrived in the female structure in the evenings some foreigners congratulates with us and it happened the same in the male structure. By contrast  Mr. and Mrs. Peas gave the false appearance to know nothing about the event and continued to conduct themselves like as always. They never told about, neither at that time nor in the future. We trusted we will come out the structure and that we will never see the Pies’ faces.


After the media appeal the Peas have been instructed to inform us that the chiefs of the structures wanted to meet the next Monday, however  the Peas didn’t carried out the task, notwithstanding we obtained the information through another person.

At the moment we came in the offices, Mr.  Beda*  —the Albanian man who was the responsible of the structures— blocked us the access and became furious: of course he was a Peas’ man and he hadn’t the pleasure we met with chiefs, the order was to prevent any meeting. Normally a man reacts into such conditions, but we remained calm. Another man intervened to halt Mr. Beda* ,  and one hour later we entered into head offices.


«Entering we see a desk and behind two person: one is the head and the other is the vice-head, the former. Mr. Scout, represented the official facade and the latter is the real man on power. The media appeal convinced them to permit us to stay further time in the structure. We tell them we have received some proposal after the interview but we must inquire about. “I confide you that I was furious when I have seen the article on the newspaper about our structure” Mr. Scout tells and “but later reading it better I realized article was not defamatory”. We let them know it was an idea of reporter to write in such manner. The two chiefs promised to help us to find an apartment and credits».


On the occasion we discovered the head Mr. Scout came from Veneto and he was a closely friend of a man of confidence, a Veneto’s man too,  who referred to us, on December 2006, as “the two young people that are spending holidays on the region with the money of the Church”[3]. The head entered into his office just few weeks after our arrival, before there was another person. Mr. Scout  was a puppet in totally hand of Venetians.


During the Easter festivity the female structure became empty and  they think to make happy planning to put us on the same structure. Mr. and Mrs. Pea refused to tell us the decision but an unexpected event came into light the situation and the Peas made a ulterior bad  impression.


In the meantime, we inquired all persons who phoned at television’s studios in order to help us. There have been  about four or five calls after the interview. First two calls referred to advertisement published on “Famiglia Cristiana”, a weekly paper,  the work as caretakers —“casieri” in Tuscanian language—  should have been  in the Tuscany but unfortunately  works were already expired.   Second, a Calabrian woman was available to give us a room but she inhabited in open country and there were no jobs in the area. Third a disabled  person called from Apulia  but also this solution was not applicable. We checked all founding no solutions.


The worst thing was no one called from the region or from the town we inhabited. You must consider in the town all people knew our situation by newspaper and later by television program, notwithstanding no one of such town kept in touch with us! Even the mayor and social services  stayed on silence. We observed during the time we lived in the 2nd town that other people were helped.


What really happened that time we could only suppose: Probably  the Venetians and their people, among this The Peas, blocked anyone who wanted to help us, also the reporter who published the news first, was blocked and later we kept away from him.



x5-             The March 23 attack


A week later our live interview it came out the revenge of Mr. And Mrs. Peas. They made pressure into us with the intention to make us nervous and to lose the self-control. We were exhaust and we went to police headquarters to tell about. A police officer said us to know Mr. Peas because he often came in police offices to tell about the people hosted in the structure. Police-man refers to Mr. Peas as “il maresciallo” (the marshal)  or as “il capetto” (the little boss), two words that means a person who think to be over all person and a selfish man who has a higher vision of the truth. The police-man promised us to intervene and to call Mr. Peas’ superiors.  Probably police-man kept the promise because some days later Mr. Pea had a dark face and he frightened us and  we were waiting a new revenge. Some days later he accompanied some foreigners to military police in order to do some document. We suspected a new action of Mr. Pea. To defense ourselves we decided to go to military police in order to tell what happened on 23rd March, on the occasion we discovered that Mr. Pea had told to the officer we were lazy, we didn’t want to work, we had never worked, we didn’t accept the works he proposed us  and we wanted living with the money of the Church: in few he put defamation.  We informed the officer about the true situation, about our old job and about the other works done on the restaurants. The officer understood Mr. Pea treated us badly, so bringing the phone he rang immediately Mr. Pea’s chief to inform about.


Even if some actions of the Peas came into light no one of their superiors stopped them. They were like vampires, it would be necessary a silver projectile to stop them!



x6-             The work


On the same day of the Easter festivity Giovanna found a job in a hotel. The work was hard and the pay low, the owners of the hotel usually took on service foreigners workers like Romanians or Africans. They  often changed personnel because workers escaped as soon as they can. We concealed the work because a year before a friend of the Peas  interfered with our job and we frightened that it would be happened again — on the occasion the operation was made by the Pea’s friend Mr. Vinci* and company in June 2006: this person said to restaurant where we worked to dismiss us in favor of another black woman hosted in the structure. Mr. Vinci* colleague said the black woman had more needs than us because our families had house and other possessions in Veneto —.  Some days we saw Mr. Pea pursuing us in order to see where we were going whereabouts, he did that several times. It was hard to hide the work place, sometimes we changed means of transport getting off before or after the place. Sometimes catching the train and other times catching the bus or walking a lot. Sometimes there have been ridiculous situation like the one happened on bus when I put along the floor of the bus in order to prevent to be seen.  Fortunately he didn’t find the place.




x7-             The July Beda’s attack


At the beginning of March, the head and vice-head of the structure where we stayed  would have sent us outside the structures with pleasure, but after our live interview on RAI television  they changed idea, and during a meeting they proposed us to help in finding a apartment or a room to live independently. On June they forgot completely their promise and prepared a letter in order to expel us from structure. The letter was mailed as registered letter. When the letter carrier arrived we weren’t in place,  therefore he left on the mailbox only the notice: a small yellow paper indicating the existence of a incoming registered letter. Even though Mr. Pea knew the contents of the communication he gave the yellow notice without describing what it was — sender was not written—. When we saw the notice we have had fear, we thought immediately that someone wanted to localize us.

Indeed we didn’t think the letter had been sent by the head of the structure, but we thought letter had been sent by Venetians: when the article about our story was published on March, it contained our location, soon after police recommended us to create the appearance that we never stayed yet on the structure.  Taking the letter indirectly we would give inevitably information about our localization,  hence we  left letter into the post office creating the appearance we lived no longer there.


The chiefs of structure supposed Mr. Pea had told us about and they were sure we have taken the letter. They thought  we ignored cheeky the contents, and we didn’t want to keep in contact with them, so they became very nervous. At the beginning of July, while we were going to the center,   Mr. Beda arrived at the structure. He stopped brutally the car and he ran in order to block us. He began to talk aggressively:  “tomorrow you take our baggage and go out the house, if you will not  do this, I call the police and police will send outside!”. The contact was so hard that there was a risk of a scuffle, but we remained astonished and calm. Few minutes later it became clear that we haven’t received the letter and we knew nothing about its contents plus Mr. Pea told nothing about.


On the occasion we wrote a letter to the police station describing the event. It was the first time we wrote a communication to police of this town, previously we have gone directly talking them. After the communication we remained into the structure further time.


Unfortunately chiefs of structures didn’t aid us to find a job —at moment only Giovanna had a work and chiefs didn’t know this — and they didn’t aid us to find a apartment or a room and some credits to do this step as they had promised on March. The problem was the most part of our money was spent in medical treatment which became urgently  after the 2005 life in tent. We discover with displeasure that they helped a lot of person in poor condition, so we considered their comportment merely a  Venetian’s guideline.


x8-             E.I.R.


On the summer 2007 we realized that there are no possibilities to have justice in Italy, so we tried to  interest foreigners people, in particular Americans. I began to study the English language in order to create an appeal. Even if I have studied English during the school, and I have read many manuals written in such language later, my English remained simple. With my language knowledge was difficult to explain the situation in the foreign language, so I had the idea to create slides containing a mixture of  figures and text, in order to be later included into videos. In the past I was a oil painter and I liked drawing by pencil so it was no difficult  for me to do that.


Later searching data on internet both to improve English and to obtain information about some fact, I found some articles that opened the door to our studies about fascism and nazism. The keyword to open such doors was Vittorio Cini, a Venetian oligarch that we had found several times on our ways since 2004. I asked myself, who is really Cini?


In autumn I found an article published by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)  which wrote about Vittorio Cini in completely different  manner than I knew before. Immediately after I found other two important articles published by EIR too. With the new information we finally understand the importance of our personal story and the importance of international intrigues, which we saw on birthplace. We discovered the reason because our papers disappeared inside the palaces of justice and who covered the crime and how a Gladio personnel is involved. Before the articles we understood the problem but we didn’t give a name and an explanation to the phenomenon. 

We began to study nazism, fascism, the cold war and all that  was useful to understand the role of some birthplace people.


We began to think different and to elaborate our story in a more complex mode.



x9-             Begging  Civil ‘PolicePolizia di Stato’


In September we were seeing things went worst, we sent by fax additional  documents both to local police station and to the “Court-Three*”. Police and prosecutor remained cold. No one kept in contact, so we went to police station in order to debate about but the officer who was managing our case was so busy that another person was sent to the entrance. We didn’t enter into police station, insisting  we discover at door the name of the officer  whose case had been assigned to and we went away.


x10-         Hospital


During the summer the life was hard. Giovanna worked but I was exhaust and often ill. The male structure didn’t permit to stay all day long in the rooms even if I was sick, so I stayed a lot of time on open air, with fever. In  November 2007 the situation went from bad to worse, we went at police headquarters asking desperately aid. We wanted urgently a debate with the police-woman who was managing  our dossier, but the person at moment there was not and she would be came in service the week after. We were in a hurry and cannot wait yet, so we tried to talk with her colleague but it was a totally wrong idea because the  coworker was a very intolerable person, he thought the worst things about us. First he asked us why we didn’t accept the apartment gave at our disposal by the heads of the structure. We replied “no one has given us an apartment, we are living in two structures among the foreigners!”.  Second he said us that we should had put the official domicile in the town so the social service would be forced to help us in the reason of an Italian law. We replied  “It is not possible for the law to do that as long as we are living in the structures”. Third he said: “You  are war-mongers, you want  create confusion  making war against the Church: when you will go working?”. We replied: “Giovanna is working and the problem is that Matteo is ill”; he didn’t believe Giovanna was working —probably he was informed about by Mr. And Mrs. Pea who told around authorities  we were lazy—, so Giovanna saw him her hands, the hands of a working woman. He stayed on silence on the matter, but continued in other ways to criticize our comportment. It became clear he wanted a brawl, so from his position he could put in prison. I had  fever and not more patience, I reply him at high volume, and he promised to me that I will have been imprisoned.


We left the room and we went quickly to the police-man who aided us sending to reporter on March. While we were talking with the police-man, Mr. Beda* walked along the corridor and entered with some policemen in the opposite door. He saw us and his face began dark before to disappear behind the door. I showed to policeman my infectious disease. Later, on the afternoon we went in first aid post, then  I was admitted urgently in hospital. The doctors were serious worried and they administer immediately a cure and I remained into the hospital. It took a long time to recuperate.


A consideration is due:

before my  hospital admission  I wrote several times to prosecutors and police about my worrying health condition, but the most ones believed my words were only pretexts  in order to obtain money or not working. Indeed I didn’t obtain money and no one helped me to find a job.

Those false words were widespread into authorities deliberately.  That time doctors entered into action immediately and sure the doctor who took care of me  didn’t hear gossip. The prosecutor, who is justice’s doctor, didn’t do the same, he turned his  back on me!


Even if both prosecutors and police normally take no actions for  health care problems, in the specified case they should be, because my life condition, the lack of food,  the lack of work and ultimately the impossibility to cure myself,  were all strictly caused by the consequences of crimes committed against me and my family!. 



x11-         Menaces


While we were separated, Matteo at hospital and Giovanna in the structure, a person ambushed Giovanna in a solitaire dark road attempting life, but at the moment she thought to die, the act was stopped: it became clear it  was a warning. At that moment Giovanna told nothing to me, I was in hospital ill and she didn’t want to create further disturbing. Some days after, when I come back from hospital other Arabian people, hosted into male structure, menaces us; some of those were ex-prisoners . It becomes clear that we cannot stay longer in the male structure.


Some weeks before I was admitted in hospital,  in the female structure there was a scuffle and preventing any scandals the heads decided to close the house and only Giovanna remained there. We took the opportunity to hide both in the female structure, so  I left the other structure and I took refuge into the female house. The people who menaces us tried to enter unsuccessfully into the rooms.


At that time one of the apartments managed by association and assigned to poor people became empty. The African family hosted  two year long  had gone away. So seeing our health condition  we hoped the apartment would have been assigned to us, instead  it happened another foreign family entered.


At beginning of the year  Giovanna was dismissed. The job was like a moonlight work and didn’t allow a special notice:  the boss, seeing  less work, decided to cut the employers, from one day to another Giovanna returned to be a non-working woman.


Due to menaces written above we began to stay always one next to the other. The attempts didn’t stop so we sent on 18th January 2008  a statement to police-station. This time the communication had been reached by another department than the previously. The superintendent decided to meet us.


«It’s the first time the police reply to a statement. As soon we enter in the officer, the superintendent approached us in a friendly manner like young people does. We introduce ourselves, we tell something about our story. At that point he tries to break down the formal conversation in a most versatile and verbal dialog and offer us a cigarette. He begins to introduces some concepts like  “nowadays people should enjoy, even if someone smokes cigarettes or uses drugs, where’s the harm in it?”. We look at him saying  “we never used drugs”, then he changes words and he talks about the ‘Lega’, which is the political party born into North-Italy led by Umberto Bossi: likely he is trying to find an arguments to accommodate us before to enter in the core of the problem. We explain about other situation and we talk about  other facts narrated into the statement he had reached. We realize the superintendent has not a clear idea about us and he difficulty believes to our words but he is curious.


“Why do you call us for the latest statement and not for the previously ones?” we ask. 

“Everyone into police does that seems better” he says, and  “my colleagues think your statements containing  things unfounded, briefly it’s nothing! So they didn’t call you”.


Looking ahead we see on his desk there are our fax sent since July, we count them and we discover that one is missing. It is missing just the most important dossier, made up by about 70 pages put down directly on December. The previous documents were only few pages, therefore we realize that he has an incomplete documentation.

“Where is the dossier put down on December?” we ask him.

He becomes nervous, “which dossier?” he replies.

We show him the copy released  to us by the police officer who received it, the copy has the printed stamp on it. The superintendent becomes both more nervous and curios and he explains: likely that dossier ran another way, of course he is not sure and becomes more curios on what could be written into it.


In order to let him know some aspect of our story, we extracting a paper calling his attention on what written by a prosecutor, the paper declared on it that some legal statement have been stolen.

Seeing the paper the police-man enters into a  mental state characterized by a lack of clear and he loses his certainty. We realizes his previously information about us comes into conflict with the new one springing up during the debate. That is, the facts and evidences we are showing are far by the informal data retrieved from his colleagues. Now, reading the paper of prosecutor he might think that also the dossier maybe lost or stolen, but the mainly thing he thinks is just another: he realizes that he is engaged into a not clear action against us.»


We explained better what happened during the meeting:

Some gossipmongers spread the words we are persons badly in debt who escaped from Veneto  hiding ourselves from authorities and prosecutors who are unsuccessfully looking for. The rumor reached —or better was spread on purpose— police station and the superintendent, so in the meeting he is trying to carry out the task to make us visible to such authorities. Of course when he sees that prosecutors had written us he immediately realizes the truth is long far what his colleagues says. Other information we tell him convinced him that he is involved in something that he doesn’t understand all implications. Of course behind the gossipmongers there are the Venetians.




x12-         The departure


Since November 2005 the things went from bad to worse. First on mid-November I was admitted in hospital. Second, in the same days,  a person ambushed Giovanna in a solitaire dark road attempting life. Third other persons menaced us to kill. Fourth, on January, Giovanna was dismisses from work.

Fifth, the medical treatments burned a lot of money, in few time we became poor like when we arrived in the region. We began to be famished again.


On February 2008, the female structure was closing and we should find as soon as possible another place. In the region we had done everything possible and  there was no other way to go in. The president of the association who managed the structure tried to find us another place in the region: it was a failure, he found a place neither in region nor outside. Preventing other problems that could be caused to us by the Peas, he met us in private and agreed to give a small amount of money, so on March 2008 we caught the train in secret  and we left the region without a precise destination, looking for a better life.



             (viii)      Conclusion

We entered into the 2nd region on 23rd March 2006 and we left it on 17th March 2008.

During that time we lived in two provinces. The period can be subdivided  into three intervals: “the 1st province time”, “the intermezzo” and “the 2nd province time”.

It was the first time we entered into any structures for poor people and obtained assistance. The head of the first structure in order to obtain money to pay the assistance contacted  our families and Venetian’s authorities, after that, defamation entered into the first structure, thence  spread into all the others through the network in which they were inserted. Venetians also activated in the region some their men. Such factors determined the structures and their employees worked not as they could: they either limited or stopped support and try all the ways to send us in birthplace.

During the first-province-time only Giovanna found a job, but her moonlight dishwashers work didn’t provide sufficient means to became independent quickly,  in the moment we were preparing for the jump into autonomy, structure’s head turned us his back and expelled us on the road therefore we burned on hotels all the saved money into few days. Later we took refuge in a cheaper room and we persevered living there until December 2006.

During the “intermezzo time” we roamed begging a solution, we moved from town to town. On 27th December 2006 it began the “2nd province time” during which we lived into another structure for poor people. Also in the last structure it came out the same problems of the first one, we tried to stop the enemy’s activity talking police about. The police force was involved into the case too, some tried to help and some tried to hinder us. Since November 2005 the things went from bad to worse: on mid-November I was admitted in hospital,  in the same days,  a person ambushed Giovanna in a solitaire dark road attempting life and  other persons menaced us to kill, in January 2008, Giovanna was dismisses from work.


On 17th March 2008, all ways were closed by Venetians so we moved away.



(E)             The 3rd region


x1-             The arrival at the first city


On 17th March 2008 we caught the train in secret  and we left the 2nd region without a precise destination, looking for a better life.


We got off from the train in a new region in its principal town. We just arrived during the Easter week on the afternoon. We immediately began to look for someone that could aid us, we were tired and we walked not for long time, so the first day we had no success. The second day a parish priest paid us three nights on hotel. We ate in two lunching-room for poor people. On Thursday we were newly outdoor,  it was an intensely and extremely bad situation, a trace of those days is remained “freeze” under a foot of one of us. When we returned into the parish center, it was closed and all people were occupied in sight of the Easter festivity, we roamed around the city all day long begging aid. We persevered until the next week, on Wednesday the parish center was reopened. The priest found us a place in a dormitory in another town within the same region. 


x2-             The arrival at the second city: “the lager”

We entered into the second city on 27th March at 8 A.M. The first step was an interview with the responsible of the structure in order to obtain a place into the dormitory. The dormitory was owned by the municipality but it was managed by the Church. It was opened only at night from 8 P.M. to 8 A.M.. Since the dormitory seemed a concentration camp: we named it “the lager”. The population counted about 30 person, among whom there were  tramps, gypsies and any kind of person. The first custodian of the camp was himself a old ex-client of the structure lifted from poverty . The time limit to stay was fixed on 30 days. The structure counted some wooden houses and some plastic box used as house too. Each house had two or three rooms, people slept into room which hosted about five person. A bathroom  was included. Each person had a little cupboard without the possibility to close it by key.


During the first week we were confined just in a small box, not in the wooden houses. Usually the boxes are used for people affected with madness. The box was just wide to host a person, a bed and toilet. The door was always opened and in the early morning, the custodian opened it in order to waken up the persons: there were  no difference between men and women. It needed to pay attention to stay not on the toilet at that time! The bed sheets were make up not by cotton but by plastic or something similar that made an allergic reaction.  The next week we have been moved into the wooden houses and it was better.


The structure was the worst structure we have seen, not for the place or the rooms, but for the system  management and the cruelty of workers: joking aside, they might have been recruited into SS World War squadrons.


x3-             The blond woman


During the time we lived in the lager, from structure headquarters a blond woman managed our case. Preventing she kept in contact with both Venetians relatives and authorities, we warned  her about the existent problem telling also the name of a policeman who knew well our story. Instead of collecting  data by the police, it happened she kept in contact with other Church’s structures and unfortunately she entered into the network of the 2nd region keeping in contact with  Mr. Vinci* and his personnel[4]. The nasty contact brought  defamation also in this city. The result was immediate, the blond woman, nicknamed by us ‘the white shark’, and her personnel didn’t activate them in order to help us as they should do.


The truth about the actions took by the  blond woman came out only at the end of period. “I have collected information about you “ she said  and  “there are worrying data about you, therefore we want to drive out the dormitory”. Plus she told us: “in the case you will return in city the center  would not host you again” —the specification was due because the dormitory rule permitted to enter again when two months elapsed since the exit—. The defamation put on the center created other problems, in the reason that we would not be helped furthermore,  for instance any possible assistance about working was cut.


On April 28 we should go away from the dormitory, we had no solution and we worried about our return al fresco again. Just until the end, we hoped in a work which could resolve the problem. Our hopes were placed into a woman who was searching two custodians. We kept in contact with her by the friars;  while she was considering to hire us, at latest moment she decided to engage a foreign family.  Some days later we discovered she was in contact also with the blond woman and was just the blond woman that pushed the foreign family into work, leaving us not working. One of the reasons was the foreign family was hosted into a hotel since various weeks, so the institutions set up to provide help to the needy,  with this operation, both found a work and saved their money.

On 28th April we returned outdoor one more time.


Into the city we met a priest, Mr. Ombrellaro, who tried to resolve the problem, but he found too obstacles. It was a rare case of  priests who moved in helping us.

We remained still into the city some days waiting a priest’s solution but finding no ways he sent us to Rome.  


In the latest days we told also with the social service of the district and we gave on the hand of  the mayor a letter containing an aid request, but we had no success.  Something unusual:  some month later  the mayor was charged with bribery and resigned from his office!


x4-             Further aspects

On April 14 we tried to obtain justice also in this region: we send a fax to police. At the end of April we went into police headquarters to have information about our fax. We discovered that the fax there wasn’t. A police officer searched for it, he found out that the fax was just arrived  and was recorded into logbook, but the writing later disappeared. We supplied police with a copy, during the time we drove out the dormitory, we try to obtain aid from police but we had no concrete results. We thought that they could do more about!



(F)             Between the 3rd and the 4th region


Into the 3rd region  we met a priest who tried to resolve the problem, but he found too obstacles,  so  he sent us to Rome to another priest. In May 2008 we moved from the 3rd region to Rome with a precise destination: the new priest. We caught the train on the morning and we arrived on the evenings.  


«We get off in Rome rail station, we remind that a year ago we got off in other conditions: at that time we had great hopes, we were going into a nationwide RAI’s television program to tell our story and a car waited us for bringing to Teulada’s studios. Now all is changed[5].


When we arrive at destination the sun is disappearing beyond the horizon, the priest says us that he can’t help us. We become nervous.  “How come? The other priest had said you can and consequently he has sent here!” we reply. We persist but he is irremovable, the only thing we obtain is some money which we used to reserve a hotel for the night. On the morning we realize we are near the television studios so we reached the place, but it’s not possible to enter. We leave Rome just one day after  arrival.»



We emphasize: the situation at that time is unspeakable.


We hadn’t  the slightest idea of what to do, wherever we went we found into structures for poor people problems and every manager treated us badly. It happened in the 2nd and in the 3rd region, defamation has been spread everywhere with no possibilities for us to defend ourselves. Unfortunately there weren’t other solutions because all structured were managed by the same network, like into a monopoly position. Even if some structures were owned by local district or town, always they were managed by the Church and its network. So we had no ways to walk along!


at the same tima, mr. Vinci* wrote us an email:-“come back to yours family. if non place help you, the birth place is the only one wich can it”. we decised to talk with him, about his decisions and defamation.


                        (i)      “Maggio Francese”.


The Venetians charged falsely with malicious intent our good name and reputation. Since June 2006, the defamation entered into the Vatican’s organization which took care of poor people: exactly  when the head of the structure, Mr. Vinci*, kept in touch with our birthplace with the aim to obtain information and money. Doing that, instead to obtain money, he brought into the structure defamation and opened the way to Venetians.


The revolting action of Venetians was not only to slander us preventing any support,  but also  to induce Vatican’s organization  to think we were crusading against the Roman Catholic Church. In few,  personnel  had been raised to think we were a serious enemy that was carrying out a political campaign against them.


At this point it was just impossible for us to obtain aid through Vatican: the organization became hostile and stopped every support. On such conditions we thought to come back where the problem was originated in order to resolve the question just into its roots: on Mr. Vinci*’s structure.


We entered into the Mr. Vinci*’s structure in order to talk him, Mr. Vinci* there wasn’t, therefore we told with the vice —a woman that we knew well— who tried unsuccessfully to track down him. The vice told us astonished:  “I believed you had come back into Veneto two years ago, just  when you were expelled from this structure”.


The day after instead to come back,  we went into local police station to debate the question. Submitting a three pages report, into police offices we met a man and a woman both admirer’s of Mr. Vinci*. During the debate Mr.  Vinci* was contacted by police at  phone.  Mr. Vinci* declared himself to be very attentive to us, in fact after he learnt that we visited his offices yesterday,  he immediately activated himself  to find a solution, therefore he thought to send us in Veneto birthplace structure. Before to do this he had just contacted Venetian’s police headquarters asking whether it was possible to send us there; seeing police answered there was no problem for us to come back into birthplace, then he immediately contacted Vatican’s structure on place and consequently he was waiting now in his offices to give us the train tickets for free to move into birthplace.


Two year before, as we told in  The Venetians” page 8, Mr. Vinci* expelled us from his structure and  sent us into birthplace, on May 2008 nothing changed on his mind: another time he operated in the same manner, simply he was carrying out the guidelines of Venetians. He activated himself on such direction  before we told him. It was just impossible to defend ourselves from the persons like Mr. Vinci* because they act similar to androids.


Mr. Vinci*’s action seemed to local police a very nice thing: in police officers’ mind he had taken care of us showing a complete and prompt work dedication. On the other hand we appeared  to police mind very ungrateful persons.  Indeed Mr. Vinci* is a friend of police-officers and this aspect complicated the debate: they often work in symbiosis.


However, the experience was important: talking with police officers it came into light  some important questions.

One was the police officers didn’t believe in the past we had taken legal action or we submitted reports to prosecutors: in opposite direction they were absolutely sure that we roamed among police stations with a three-pages-report telling inexistent facts in order to find someone into police forces who believed us. So they explicitly said loudly “if it’s true you have did all that you say, you must show us all the reports and put down a copy on this office!”.  We could not give them all papers —reports have been submitted into various courts and some papers told also about his friend Mr. Vinci*—. We told some prosecutors wrote us. At this point they became furious and to tranquil the situation,  we took out a paper written by a prosecutor of their province. When police-officers saw prosecutor’s paper they remained so incredulous that they wanted to phone immediately at the court’s offices in order to check if the document was really authentic.


Even if the document was authentic, police officers were so sure of their opinion that it was impossible to debate about. They became more rabid. The previously information collected by Mr. Vinci* precluded every discussion. We understood we will be never aid from the local police station and we went away.


During the meeting, an important thing came out: policeman said to us Mr. Vinci* followed his superior officers. But who are his superiors ? Maybe the same of Mr.Scout* colleague? Police officers mentioned  both the terms bishop and cardinal not saying their names!



The expedition on the premised of Mr. Vinci* in order to set the record straight, failed. Since then we realized that no one structure managed by Vatican’s organization would have supported yet. We were exposed lacking in food and money “al fresco”. We were not properly scared to die, rather than we were scared  more to come back into birthplace alive. There was also the risk whether authorities  found us around Italy in famished condition or running out of control by the fatigue, probably they would sent to birthplace or into the enemy’s hand, without we could defense ourselves. The only two ways possible were either persevering or suicide. The latter was not considered by us a cowardly action, indeed also soldiers in the Holy scripture or in war, rather than to fall into enemy’s hands preferred to end their life. The above words might let readers know something about our thinking.


We titled this paragraph “maggio francese”, using a De Andrè’s tile song, free interpretation from French May, about  1968’s “revolution”. Also the expedition to Mr. Vinci* happened on May: it was our French May, and we tell to every Mr. Vinci*’s accomplices, using Fabrizio De Andrè’s verses:


Original text

Free translation

«Anche se il nostro maggio

ha fatto a meno del vostro coraggio

se la paura di guardare

vi ha fatto chinare il mento …..

anche se voi vi credete assolti

siete lo stesso coinvolti.

E se credete ora che tutto sia come prima

verremo ancora alle vostre porte

e grideremo ancora più forte

per quanto voi vi crediate assolti

siete per sempre coinvolti, …»


Even if our May

doesn’t know your courage

if watching scares you and made you bend the chin…

even if you stand acquitted by yourself

  you are involved for ever.

And if you believe now everything is just like before,

We will come again at your doors and we shout more loudly: even if you stand acquitted by yourself  you are involved for ever…





(G)            The 4th region


We entered in the fourth region the day after the expedition on premised of Mr. Vinci*.

Fortunately we found a rare structure for poor —not directly linked to Vatican’s structures—  that hosted us three days. We ate at noon and in the evening. In such days we restored our body and our mind. Another day we slept over cardboards, then we found an association managed by a ex-military-police-officer who helped us hosting in a dormitory about 20 days. During that time we told him about our problems also with Vatican’s structures.  Into the association we found a  “boy” belonging to rich family who helped us directly.


The last association was not direct linked to Vatican’s structure, however the in place Vatican’s structure managed meals served for poor at noon and collected information about. Vatican’s personnel put pressure the association and the ex-military-police-officer, in order to manage us directly.  The risk to enter our personal data into the Vatican’s network again was very high: initially association didn’t send us to collect data,  and when the pressure became intolerable  the independent association, before sending us, provided a special protection recommending a special treatment without particular investigation on our own personal data. On the occasion we told nothing and fortunately the Vatican’s personnel transcribed our data wrongly.


In the meantime a man belong to one of the most important family of the town aid us, with the new family’s support Vatican’s workers stayed more quite.

At the end of June we leaved the structure and we entered into a private apartment owned by the family.  Some days later Giovanna was hired as waitress in a Hotel and started working in the area immediately. The first days was very hard, even if the apartment was totally furnished, we haven’t money into our pockets in order to purchase food, notwithstanding we had the luck that Giovanna ate at work, and above all she gained  tips for her service. It was by those tips that we kept going the first month until she received the first work pay.


The economic crisis there was also in these area and became more strong in that period, some factories closed. I found no one  work, and  Giovanna worked only few months during the seasonal mass tourism. Notwithstanding the earned money lasted for several months.


It was the first time that we were supported by a rich family and it seemed  we would be exited soon from poverty and we would get a new life. The town at the seaside and the nice place surrounded by hills promised a better life, however the things went differently.

The son of the rich family who helped  considered us like a game: first through us he became to publicize himself among friends and women using the money of his parents, second he had a lot of troubles and he had a narcissistic personality, so we became not only a game but also his psychologists. He aided us as long as the situation was useful to him and unfortunately he blocked our contact with his father and mother, the real benefactors.


[At this point the reader might think we were very unlucky, but it’s not the case! Actually the men and the women who have not assistance and support from official authority like police or social services, are exposed to lowest work and lowest people. In the society it happens that people exposed attract the “sharks”, like the wounded animal attract predators. Our own experience narrates that in a lot of cases we have been aided by people who had ulterior hidden motive. One reason is a person in difficulty cannot refuse some proposal because there aren’t other choices available, so the proposing part know that will have success. The  sharks appear as very normal people and only later they reveals their real nature.]


The “boy” betrayed us…

On March 2009 the enemy discovered where we inhabited, so we were forced to leave the place again.



(H)            The 5th region


We lived in the 5th region between April 2 and July 27, 2009. Here we lived into a isolated region in a family, we ate all together and we slept in a dedicated  room. The period lasted four months. When we exited we had only 100 euro.


(I)                The 6th region


                        (i)      Unaided into principal town.

We left the 5th region at the end of July 2009 and we entered into the sixth region the same day, in our pocket about 90 euro. The first day we reserved a room into a hotel, the day after we moved into another town, here we find enough money to reserve another room. The day after we moved again into a city with in theory more possibilities. On the occasion we asked help to structures managed by Vatican in order to obtain a place to sleep. We obtained only the possibility to enter into lunch rooms at noon, unfortunately we didn’t get a bed and personnel, to tell the truth, said us to sleep in lighted  places rather than at beach. In the most time of the following eight days, we rolled the city looking for a place to sleep.


On August 3 our phone expired and this fact created more problems. The life was very hard, some day we found a room thank to pity and reserved by few money begged around the city, some days we were unlucky and remained outdoor. Day after day we became more and more tired and unhappy, my feet became so inflamed that I walked very slow. People, authorities and priest were cold about.


Moving into province: the first small town

After we tried all ways possible we moved outside in a smaller town and we found two days for free on hotel. The day after we found an accommodation on the floor of a parish and we remained in there a week. The turning point came out the 15th August when the parish priest gave us a little room not used provided with a toilet —or better a room that is used as cupboard to store empty crates. The terms were that we were free to use it on condition that we must be  self-sufficient  providing food by our own means. He handed us a copy of door key.


The room have and independent access and was totally without furniture except three chairs, a broom, a metal shelves and toilet. There was no warm water, no stove, no fridge, no shower, no phone, no bath… A woman, that we nicknamed Mrs. Monica, gave us two mattresses that we put on the floor. On August there wasn’t  the necessity of blankets and we slept covered by clothes. The room was housed into a condominium among other similar buildings. Nearby room there was another larger room used by Monica and other parish’s  people used for reunion and business. 


We hoped to find a work as soon as possible, so the first thing we asked people was an inexpensive phone that replaced the other broken: a new phone would have permitted us to be contacted. But we don’t find a solution and people remained cold about.


Above all, in the new “house”, the mainly  problem was to find food, given that there wasn’t a cooking stove in the room, we searched for something that could be eaten without to be cooked! So it had started a new period of our life: the “meal hunting” period. At the beginning we thought to find a work soon but this didn’t  happen and the meal-hunting period went ahead for several months filling our most time.



In addition to the hunger and telephone problem, quickly, it came out another sad problem:

some parish’s people who wished the room for their own purpose, and other condominium  people that didn’t want us as neighbors. They allied all together in order to drive out us. So instead of obtaining aid and pity in the new place we encountered hostility and we started to live isolated.

In the village, the above people created a unbearable climate that inevitably would have made us go away. The thing was not difficult to take place  because of local people prejudices: for example Mrs. Monica the first time she saw us, said “My husband says that all people who are aided by the priest are  criminal people.” We realized that the Monica’s belief was not different than the one of her husband, of course it was not a good impact, and we thought that who talked in this way of other people might make the same thing with others. Mainly we had the necessity of privacy and given that Monica was a gossipmonger we avoided her later. Seeing we avoided her, the fact increased her idea that we were criminal and we were hiding ourselves. In addition since our room was accessible by various parish’s people and it  was inappropriate to leave our legal documents inside, therefore we walked always with backpack keeping on it the most important things and of course legal documents. But walking with backpack became a further suspicious about us. Monica spread her ideas into the village and a lot of inhabitants begin to imagine all the possible in negative manner about us. Some inhabitants put pressure into priest in order to drive out.


Preventing the worst

In September foresaw  problems with the priest caused by gossipmongers we described the all situation to military police. On Saturday 28th November  Mrs. Monica seeing we kept away from her, she came in the early morning at seven o’clock when she was sure we were in the room: she waited us furious at the gate. We didn’t speak her and while we were going away, she told that she would have called the police; besides she said “now I understand what kind of person you are!”  and  “who knows the people that we leave to enter in the room!”, of course her haughtily words were insults and doing that she showed an arrogant superiority. To telling the truth we never put up people in the room. She considered us like prostitute or drug traffickers. Soon after the priest arrived and we came back in order to talk him.


Initially he said us we should drive out within few days, but during the conversation he gave another possible way. He said that the neighbors lamented that we were unknown people and for the condominium safety he should collect data about us, therefore if we would want to stay further time  we should go with him to local police officer the next Monday. We replied  him that police already knew our situation because we had already written to a higher police officer (than the local one), and we also explained the reasons avoiding Monica: we said “Monica thinks we are criminal and she spreads her opinion around the village, we keep away from her”. The priest didn’t investigate about our assertion: probably he knew the Monica’s character.  Anyway he firmly wanted that we should go to local police officer.


The 5th December  Fax

On Monday morning  we waited for the priest, but he just didn’t arrive and we didn’t meet him all the week. However, we were not calm and we foresaw the situation took a turn for the worse, so on Saturday 5th December, we sent a fax to military police in order to inform about. On the fax we wrote:


«With reference to our fax dated 09/14/2009 we inform you that we have been receiving support since some months by parish’s priest who has given a small room… Suddenly on 29th   November the priest has told us: “since some people of my parish lament that I don’t collected information about you, you must leave the room, if you still want to remain, you must to give me all your personal data and come with me to the local police officer”.


Our experience teaches we cannot talk to priests about our delicate situation, in particular  we believe the priest no later he has our personal data on his hands he will begin to phone to our birthplace in order to obtain information. Doing that he will open a way to Venetians…


We firmly believe that the priest must keep away from our story and that our data must not be recorded on parish registers…»


The fax has been sent on the evenings and we kept it on a safe place. We made this operation not only to inform police but also to have on our hands a fax receipt that certify our words: if it was necessary we could show it to the priest as a confirmation of our words.


Some light about Monica’s thinking

As we already told above, it became clear that Monica and  neighbors wanted to expelled out from condominium. In truth since the beginning Monica didn’t want to give us the room, after we entered she made everything possible in order to chase away. However because our behaviors were good  they created deliberately the false appearance that we were criminal. Some light was shed on Monica, her friends and  neighbors thinking some weeks later, on Thursday 17th , when by chance while we were entering in the room we had heard through the wall that someone wanted to use our room as  headquarters of a new company. On the occasion no one had perceived we have come back, so we remained hidden and no one noticed us.


Personal relationship became more and more cold and we avoided Monica and  neighbors more than ever. Even if Monica and other people had the door keys, they used them only to put letters into the rooms or in order to control. Someone came into without to knock at door. No one of those who had the keys thought to give food or anything else that could be useful. Some of those entered into our room at anytime, as they liked.



The only people supported us, were the nearby village’s people where defamation about us wasn’t arrived yet!  The fact  that we continued to stay alive into the room without money and without the support of local people was so improbable that their haughtily opinions  became more strong into their minds. They increased in their own mind the belief we were criminal. Thinking of them at that time might be: “since we don’t give Matteo and Giovanna neither food nor money therefore they obtain such things by criminal activities. ”. Their opinion increased their own haughty just until the point of explosion, when they called a police patrol.


The players of a war game

A day, while we were inside room we heard a man to come near the door. The man, who didn’t  knock at door, tried to insert the key, he unsuccessfully tried several times because our key is inserted too, then he went away. He didn’t knock and said nothing on the occasion. By the door spy  we saw he was one of the men who usually came in the near room in order to play a war game. Another time, in September 2009 the same man was entered without knocking when we were in there. I thought that such behavior was not normal, a person would have knocked and seeing the lock closed would say something. In addition it seemed he was not mentally ill to do it.


Such man often came into the near room in order to play a war game with his male friends. He was a Monica’s friend. He was an adult and the game, played among other adult males, lasted between three and five hours. They hadn’t regular meeting, it happened they played weekly  but not the same week day. Since our room was divided by the other only by a thin wall, we didn’t remain in the room hearing all their speeches, thus every time they came to play we moved away. However we heard some words, in particular the above man, who is the boss, told loudly and it’s not difficult to hear him, plus he spoke continuously. We heard that he had made a self-defense training and he claimed himself he was an expert to calm down brawls. To invite some new players to add to the game he said that also military of high ranks played that war game. To us, it seemed strange that a war game was played into a parish room and we disliked it, so we kept away from it and from the circle. 


Often they started to play at 9 P.M. in the moment that we were not in there,  when we came back seeing the light on their room we waited for the end of the game before to enter. One of those nights  it happened what we describe below:


«On February 2010, At 0:30 AM  while we are coming back into the room we notice in a distance the rolling shutter is opened and a light is streaming through the window of the sided room. Someone is watching out and perhaps he see us. Probably they are the wars players, we think. We walk fast turning under the flyover, waiting they finish the game. We move repeatedly to see whether they have finished. While we are waiting, little later a police patrol intervene and block us like they usual do with criminals. Policemen don’t know us, we are under suspicious and they want immediately our documents. They are nervous as much as we are too. We have fear because of our bad previous experience made one year before.  We explain the reason of which we were walking in the area  and other many things. We invite the policeman to keep contact with their colleague in order to collect data about us. We extract from backpack a folder containing the fax sent on December 5th , in order to show who he must contact. While one keeps contact, the other wants to know other aspects. Their questions make us to understand that gossip has reached them, notwithstanding it seems they haven’t prejudices and they are evaluating the case and this sounds a good think for us. “We keep our most important things into backpack” we say  telling the reason because we have always  backpacks on our shoulders, and  “Parish’s people have the key to enter freely into our room so we must go always with our things”. Policeman  becomes surprised, and addressing to his colleague he says  “have you heard? Parish’s people have the key to enter and they entered as they like”.


In the meantime the policeman successfully enters in contact with the colleagues of the other police station written in the fax. They talk at phone. His colleague says to know us and explain the situation, so the police patrol becomes calm. Now they are kind. His colleague recommend us to stay in the room and he declared himself available if would have been necessary. They declared that unfortunately in small village, like this, often there are gossipmongers.

Quickly they get into the car and driving they return into service.»


After the police car returned into service, the war game players stayed on the square until 2:00 AM trying to see if we would be come back. We waited little later they went out!



The contact with the police patrol made us think some important aspects:

First, the patrol intervened immediately after a phone call. Policemen themselves declared this, but they didn’t say us who phoned them. Perhaps the war game players might have called by themselves. Second, the policemen had various information about us. They knew that we were hosted by the priest. Someone described us like a criminal and this explained  the reason the policemen were so agitated and nervous Third, parish’s people made to believe to police that they hadn’t the key to enter in the room so they could not check our activities and this aspect created more suspect!


After the police patrol intervention

After the police patrol intervention we hoped the things would have gone different in the village, in particular we thought that Monica and his friends would have changed their opinion about us, but indeed we continued to live isolated and their became worse.


Going for end-game: the tornado

After some months of silence, Monica and her friends began a new battle in order to drive us out. On Saturday  22nd May, a letter was affixed to our toilet door, and the next Saturday another letter was affixed. Saturday was the weekly day that Monica came into the near room in order to sell vegetables (chicory, onion, Savoy cabbage…), of course she had the key of our room and she entered without good manners and she affixed letters with adhesive tape in the center of the toilet door.


On 30th May 2010, neighbors were doing everything possible in order to expel us. They knocked at door, they came near windows in order to hear conversations, they banged carpets near our window and over the washing. If we opened window they immediately came and  look through, or banged carpets next to window. Monica and neighbors didn’t want in their territory and now they wanted to drive out as soon as possible. 


On May 31 we saw the priest while we were walking on the road, we thought that he stopped him in order to talk about letters, but he didn’t do that. In our opinion this was a signal that letters  were totally written by Monica initiative in order to drive out us as well as the neighbors behavior.


On June 1 it happened:

«At 2:30 A.M. while we are sleeping, someone rings at doorbell. We remains in silence. Soon after someone knocks at door  with violence and then does the same at shutter. It seems they want to crush door. We think about Albanian’s neighbors because they had already done that the previously days. We have fear and no phone in order to call police. Looking through the door spy we see a carabinieri’s[6] car, so our fear increases and we become more agitated. “Why are Carabinieri doing that?” we ask ourselves. We think that another time parish people have call them in order to expel us, but Carabinieri are too rabid, this it means that Monica and his friend must have tell them some lies about us! The Carabinieri violence is without sense as well as the action to present themselves into the middle of the night. They take advantage of  their position to scare us. We already know that in small town as we are the symbiosis among local economic power, Vatican  and police forces is often high and plus serving local power, perhaps not legal. So we proceed with caution and before to open the door we tries to calm the situation speaking at window. “What do you want?” we speak. “You must leave the room” they speak and “the priest doesn’t  know who you are and now you must give us your documents, if you don’t give us your surnames you will charged with a crime”. We say that we have already given our documents to their colleagues of the near town, on February 6th and on the occasion we already explain our situation and the colleagues haven’t found problem about us, they already knew we were hosted by priest and they said us to remain in the room! And asking about your police station they said there are no problems because you are under their jurisdiction . Carabinieri seem not believe us, they want we open the door, but we have fear and before to do that we show them a fax sent by us to another Carabinieri’s station which confirm we have signaled our position and our names. We want to calm them and the fax proves we are not criminal or unknown people as priest or they  asserted! We explain that parish people put defamation about our person into the entire town and also into priest thinking. So when carabinieri become calmer we open the door, they say “we though there would be other people in the room” —their opinion  is based on another gossip spread by neighbors— , but they see with your own eyes that we are alone and the room is so little that there isn’t place to enter and to hold anyone else , so they remain at door.
“Have you at least documents?” they says showing the prejudices we have not papers. We show passports. They are astonished, “are they true?” they said. They are so convinced that we are criminals that they have prejudices on every thing! Before to leave us they say that we must go at 9:00 AM to Carabinieri station in order to meet their commandant.»        


After the event above narrated we didn’t sleep again. In the morning when we were going to police station we were feeling that the meeting was not the right thing to do. We were still more agitated and not in condition to face commandant: whether  police patrol was  rabid , the commander, who had sent it, was probably worse. We believed that it was better above all to inform the near police station and the policemen who entered in contact with us on February 6, and plus it was necessary to know their post actions (in February they had told us that the local police station and commandant were under their authority). So we moved in the near town to inform about. They recommend however to talk in any case with the local commandant, they suggested to talk loudly that we were just controlled and no problems were found.  However we had the sensation they didn’t want to be involved in the question, notwithstanding they declared that whether the question was not solved they would have been available in a further debate.


Since the local carabinieri during the last night said us loudly that on the case we didn’t go to their commandant then they will be come again to crush the door, preventing another free violence we come back at 4:00 A.M., if we encountered them on the road we would have given them the letter for their commandant.


Of course we were running the risk to go on the road with the consequent possibility that anyone else would have helped, without money and the possibility to defense ourselves. Police and military police are very cold in this situation, they are never appropriate to resolve these problems and the citizen is often leaves alone.



One year before another carabinieri station was involved into not clear affairs, on the occasion the only thing to do was to leave the village, this happen because authorities can make your life very impossible without the possibility to defense. It was also the reason for what we were forced to leave our region in 2005 Of course to understand such situations it needs understand Gladio aspects. On 2005 our lawyer said us “I have kids, if I charge police with crimes I also run the risk to lose my work. To me, It’s better you go away in another town”.


Before to go to  the commandant we thought it was better to write a letter to him that described in detail the situation.  A letter was better than an oral communication because it remains and can be used as proof. Into the letter we wrote the facts happened since we arrived into the village. We wrote that our situation was already signaled to other Carabinieri and we recommend to refer to them for whatever else information. We were brief in the letter because we thought that was not opportune to inform about our entire story but only about the facts happened into his village. We wrote also that we were not criminal to obtain such senseless violence and we asked to explain to the priest the real situation to resolve the distort idea he received from Monica and company.




Our consideration are that there were other military police that were investigating about the crimes we had signaled and any further information to local police could be inopportune and dangerous! In fact our experience tells that not every authority is able to manage our case because of wide collusion existents into police and military police, and a lot of things must be secret and not spread into anyone authorities.  On the contrary most police and military police thinks —for the only reason they represent authority— people must say them all, and sometimes unfortunately used their authority to scare people instead of to keep order. Managing personal data not properly they can put person into the risk. The EIR’s articles reported on bibliography show well the historical collusions about  Police, Military Police, terrorism, mafia, so it’s better to proceed with caution into whatever way. Of course we knew that behind the entire situation there were one more time  Venetians (the tornado) and Venetians are able to move persons and authorities in invisible manner..



Into the festivity of Italian Republic  (2nd June ) we remained in our room and we decided to go to the commandant only on June 3. Foreseeing commandant would have been not calm we decided that only Giovanna went into police station.


«Giovanna enters with the letter, a policewoman accompanies her to Commandant. Just He sees Giovanna he begins to scream “Your letter doesn’t interest me: on it maybe written the most despaired story of the world, but it’s just not relevant, I must only inform you that you had to leave  the parish room”. He says: “the priest has just come here asking our intervention in order to expel you”. He adds that he is suggesting to do that, and says  “if you will not leave the room by yourselves it will be called a lawyer, and it will be made a legal notice to quit, therefore it will be called  a blacksmith[7] in order to change the door lock, and thence your things will be put outside, then if there are damages , we will take a legal action against you and all facts will be sent to prosecutor”.  Giovanna becomes aware about the priest action and about some information he gave to the commandant, in particular the priest said that he gave us an apartment and left us to use free water, electricity and gas methane. In truth he gave as a room previous used as cupboard, and even though gas methane was available he closed it: in few the priest gave the false appearance that we had all the necessary and that we were very ingrates persons —indeed priest gave apartment to Albanian family and not to us—.

“The priest has been too good: what do you have against him?” the commandant says probably thinking we are crusading against him . Giovanna knowing that enemy worked a lot around village’s authorities to push them against us and  remains calm therefore she replies  “we are grateful to priest, but he is  under pressure by parish people and it’s the real reason about discontent, therefore  we ask you to set the record straight”. The commandant replies “This is a Carabinieri station and it is used to make criminal statement…”. Giovanna replies “Our  objective is to make clear the situation, not to charge someone with a crime,  if it is necessary we can also do that, but mainly we want to explain what is really happened in your area.”   »


Giovanna came out, the commandant had screamed just until that moment. All people looked at Giovanna with their eyes open wide. We hoped commandant read the letter understanding we were not the bad persons delineated by gossip: above all we were just in contact with his colleagues of other commandos and we hoped that it became clear that chaos have been done by Monica and neighbors and later involved priest and mayor.


The sad situation was we have had against us an entire village. The situation was similar to the one which we suffered in Veneto during the 2005. On such occasion we were forced to leave home to survive.


During the next days, the neighbors didn’t remain calm, they continued to have a bad behavior in order to  irritate us and to have a quarrel, for example on June 14, they came to knock at door, they came to clean with broom in front of our door knocking with violence. When Matteo sent them into their home, they beat Matteo’s arm  with the broom handle. Of course they firmly wanted a reaction in order to go to police, therefore since probably no one would believe us, they would have had a reason to expel us. Giovanna replied to neighbors that not only the question would be gone into local police offices but also into court! So they changed opinion. We had a discussion, fortunately  at end neighbors understand that people wanted to drive out us and they realized that someone was using them on purpose. When they  understood  the plot against us they told  that they were into our same conditions and stopped bothering us. They also told that the family who inhabited into the apartment above was the real responsible…



Tornado loves anniversary…

We have observed into these last five years that on the dates of anniversary on which particular  events occurred, or the days immediately before, it happens major problems. Some of those days are related to our birthday, other to festivity of Saints as St. Valentine (14th February), St. Francis (4th October), St. Rita (22nd May), St. Pio of Pietralcina (23rd September)…  other are related to massacres and assassinations, as 23rd May (killing of judge Giovanni Falcone), 19 July (killing of judge Paolo Borsellino) and so on. Of course it is not by random, a new homicide or a massacre into such anniversaries is a precise message. we don’t talk about here, but reading newly “Going for end-game: the tornado” on the above pages, we emphasize the text “Monica and her friends began a new battle in order to drive us out on Saturday  22nd May”, that is the festivity of St. Rita of Cascia and  the day before the anniversary of Falcone assassination.

Going to 19th July, on the days before the homicide of Borsellino, we were worried about a new action carried out buy Monica and friends, and in fact it happened. On the occasion a second letter in order to expel us was affixed and Monica and friends called police to do the bad task. Probably since Monica and friends didn’t succeed to involved carabinieri into a illegal act they now tried to do the same with civil police, and of course they did that on the Borsellino killing days.

For also such reason we think that behind Monica and friends actions there are mafia and Venetians.

Probably Monica and friends spread into police defamation as they did in the case of carabinieri.




When we entered into the room in August 2009 notwithstanding the room was totally unfurnished we noticed that the door had assigned the same civic number of our nice Veneto’s  home and it sounded like a positive thing. At that time we were so tired that we spent  two day sleeping the most time. We thought to find a job as soon as possible, but our cellular phone broken complicated the thing. Above all the mainly problem became eating something, and both lacking money and lacking a structure serving meal for the poorest, the only way possible was to beg food around the territory. In the early stages we believed this activity would have been transitory but later it lasted until the time being (May 2010).


Since in the parish’s village was spread defamation about us we were forced to move far  into the nearest tourist villages. Lacking in money the only way to move was to use our feet and we began to do a lot of kilometers. The strategy was to demand food into bars, restaurants and hotels after the lunch or dinner. Given that some food could be not used the day after we went before the closing time into rooms asking if they would have something for a poor family. Sometimes the bars or hotels were so far that we came back late after a walking of two or three hours. We just arrived at ‘home’ after midnight. During the summer was warm and many tourists populated the roads. Despite the numerous hotels and bars it was not easy to find food and not every day we ate. One of the problem we had found was that we hadn’t a freeze to put food, and another was we hadn’t a stove to cook food. In the summer the food can be maintained little time, so every day we left the room hunting the meal around territory. The situation was sad and unspeakable, no one brought us food and if we didn’t move ourselves on foot we remained inevitably famished. The famine was a good reason to move!  If it rained it was the same, we were forced to walk for kilometers and the situation was not pleasant. We hoped in good health but not always we were fulfilled of good health, most time we were tired and sometimes we had  fever, notwithstanding we moved in any case. 


When the winter came, our room became like a freeze. The room was equipped by radiators but the boiler remained switched off all time long. We hadn’t neither a electric fire nor a gas fire. Washing oneself by cold water was an heroic performance: the cold water when touched skin produced a light steam and it had the same effect when one is smoking. The mattresses were frozen and we hadn’t sufficient blankets so we used a lot of clothes and sweaters  one on top of the other to cover ourselves during sleeping. Outside blankets was so cold that the most time we stayed  in the room we remained into the bed. The windproof jacket was used as jacket by day and as blanket by night: it was necessary avoiding it to get wet.


On the other hand the room becoming a fridge had the convenience that the food was preserved more time. All the time we spent in the region we ate cold food except rare case. Since we conserved food into room and room itself in winter  was like a fridge, therefore we ate food like in a normal life it was extracted from fridge. In winter this was not a good thing. In addition we hadn’t warm coffee or milk to drink and neither wine. Sometimes someone gave us a coffee gratis but very rarely. During the all period we ate what we found and not what we had need. In the long period this may be very dangerous for health.


Monica, her friends, war game’s players, neighbors, village parish’s people and priest: no one of those gave us money or food. However the parish paid both the electricity and water bill —the water bill was not high because the water was cold, and the light bulbs consumed a few, we haven’t washing-machine or other electrical equipment.  During the entire period we lived here we obtained only few money, a total amount of 35 euros collected into 9 months including 10 euro found on the road by chance.  The lack of money prevented us to purchase a cellular phone and was enough only to purchase some essential medicine and to take few cup of coffee, and mainly it was used to send fax and letters to authorities, and in order to pay connection into internet point. Of course most needs remained unanswered as well as important health treatments. Many other things could be told, but we reported only the most important.


Latest period: from bad to worse.

On July 2010, Venetians organize  a squad of beast-men and send them on  4th August to us in the middle of the night. Three police-beast-men irrupt into our room  where we are living. My wife there isn’t in there. I’m extracted from my room, my door key is subtracted,  and I’m brought into prison for one night. In the morning a chief  police officer,  put down a document. The document commands  that  in the reason I’m a criminal, for safety measures, I have to come back immediately to my official domicile in Veneto! In Italian language this document is called “Foglio di Via con Rimpatrio obbligatorio”. Police refused any discussion about!


Seeing the operation is strictly illegal, a lawyer appeals  and  obtains the suspension of the emergency measure.

But beast-men are dangerous and they know very little law! They are bullies.

My wife is frightened by police and she hides herself. We are so poor that even we have no cellular phone. For ten years we have no information about one another. We meet ourselves ten days after. Since then we have no longer a home or a room. Still now, April 2014, we have been living outdoor.


Since August 2010 we have been living outdoor into makeshift shelters risking to die by cold and famine.

What happened to us is very incredible!


On October 2010 we ask help to local Ombudsman, social services  and mayor of local district. No one wants to resolve the problem!

So we pass winter begging money and food, living into makeshift shelters.


On January 2012 we submit a report to local Carabinieri  asking for aid again, and describing one more time that police blitz of  August, 2010 was illegal! No one wants to resolve the problem!


Time passes…


 Only on February 2013 , a national organization  tries to resolve our situation. This association makes us an interview.


On April and May 2013 organization writes some letter to local mayor  asking him for intervention. The mayor not only does nothing but also he doesn’t reply to!  Organization  prepares a report charging mayor of crime 328 (according Italian penal code). Report is submitted to Court 0n summer 2013.  Prosecutor did nothing!

Perhaps, could  be the report disappeared, again? Like previous ones?


No one keeps in touch about.





Those members of police forces, who were involved into the interception of our report at Court, had all the reason to destroy us and every evidence proving our case. They became a first enemy and  persons who operated against us,  in order to destroy our public image and preventing any attempt to get a new life. They concealed the truth and they deliberately put defamation into the machine of justice and tampered with our documents.

The enemy’s  plan to create into police forces the sensation that our assertions were an attack to police had success! Police made war against us instead against the true culprits! Defamation covered the true culprits.


Unfortunately, just till now, the police members under the control of enemy are  shrewder than ones who helped us.


those who concealed our reports are going for end-game, the final destruction of us.  the enemy plan is to use police forces against us providing false proofs and preventing to us any defense, as it just happened in 2005. 


We trust police have success in stopping enemy’s activities and have success in finding real culprits, before our departure but…


Police forces have not the courage to save us because they don’t want to confess their faults and they don’t want to reveal the police members involved. They are cowardly and they do nothing waiting our departure. Most of them are traitors, a part of hell is well-earned. 


Not only policemen do nothing, in 2010 they became direct consequence of  our living outdoor.

After three years of this hard condition my opening can be considered like justice in Italy. See justice in the photo below (This is a 2013 real  opening photo with visage contours erased).




The facts told  —as well as hunger, cold, solitude and fear—  are happened not because we are unlucky or miserable or stupid, but because they have been originated by the enemy. The enemy tried in all manners to prevent that we would get a new life.

Of course the situation is not only a expression of enemy’s crime, but above all it sounds as a general status that involves all Italian’s authorities, in particular an environment created by those who are in power that didn’t firmly want  to set the record straight, and on the other hand they didn’t want to halt enemy crimes. For instance the police forces didn’t investigate about the illegal actions done by birthplace and domicile’s police, in reality police preferred to do nothing:  “live and forget it!” was their motto that applied to us sounds like “live and let Matteo and Giovanna to die”.


To the persons guilty we dedicated the Fabrizio De André  song’s verse, “Maggio francese: “anche se vi siete assolti siete per sempre coinvolti” that it means “even if you stand acquitted by yourself  you are involved for ever”. In Veneto dialect it sounds as “schei e amicissia orba la giustissia” that is “money and friendship blind the justice”.


The behavior of officials might be understandable: they thought that if they would have helped us they also would have had a lot of problem. Someone might have had fear of losing  work, but we believe above all, the most part of them were lazy, cold and indifferent. Their thinking could have been: “Why should I working hard when I can do the essential work earning the same pay?”. This thinking seemed an authorities’ plague. Later, when the things became more clear, the police officers instead to remedy they concealed also their wrong procedures and mistakes.


In the meantime we were forced to live a hard life around Italy, a lot of events happened: it’s fundamental  read between the lines all those:  the disappearing of our statements, the impossibility to talk with prosecutor, the law’s procedures that were not activated, the legal proceedings that should have been opened but really never opened, the behavior of  police forces that left us unprotected. All the events  happened were driven with the objective that anything should go out, whether we died it would have been better for all, and the truth concealed.


Obviously the life we were forced to leave prevented us to assert our rights, in fact in the most time we have had only the least means to survive and because of such condition we didn’t take care of bureaucracy, expeditions into the courts, quibbles of law, and of course we haven’t the possibility to pay a lawyer[8].   


What we have suffered can be considered a injury against civil and human’s rights and verges on torture, a torture carried out by the part who wants destroy us  using the same means utilized to maintain the nation’s public order, the justice, the control of the state. Because of this we call it a torture made by the regime. A torture that matches the other ones existent into third underdeveloped world, into dictatorships. A torture that afflicts reporters, politicians and scientists that are not regime followers, a torture that we would be not expected.


We have been deprived first about our  right of defense — because it was impossible to us for a long period to submit documents to prosecutors and to obtain a consequent defense action, and later no one opened the previous “cold cases” leaving the entire situation unresolved  — and second we have been deprived of freedom, then we have received any kind of violence and menaces.


The facts happened are a clear warning for all people, and show how Italy has become in a invisible manner a totalitarian state. People can think  the military regime that should have been implemented through the coups attempt plotted in 1964, 1970 and 1973 achieved nowadays the goal, without military intervention in a new improved form: through the invisible control of justice, press and so on. We will explain deeper into the latest chapters.


The poverty, the life in tent, the menaces, the statements loss, the bureaucracy, defamation, the lack of intervention of district where we had official domicile, e all other things described in these pages, have been plotted by the enemy. The enemy want we knelt down before its power.


This is the key to understand the situation and the real reason because in all regions where we moved  no one town or mayor  has wanted to help us in order to find work and home, and no one association or organization of Vatican has really wanted to do the same. Instead we have seen to give work to foreign people and even to criminals. Someone not only refused to help us, they also carried out the task in breaking what we had done.

A lot of times we hear the words: “ here all people must be equal!”. But the question is: equal to or what? What do we match? We are not refugee, for example like those who went in 2007 into an apartment paid by Town Hall, during the period we lived into the 2nd region. The apartment for us remained a dream! We are not immigrants came into Italy, they have friends and not all are poor people, someone entered into Italy driven by profit and someone have a house in their country. What do we match? A answer can be found into the next point “The Backpack Emblem”.

In such conditions we have no future, we cannot have dreams, we don’t make projects. Works, home, car are all things impossible to reach by us. We are forced to live hidden, like criminals, always ready to escape away. We cannot explain people, we cannot talk. The responsible is mainly the Italian state, a state that conceal its real nature, a state that haven’t a regulation that protect those in our condition. A state that it could give us a new name and new passport where there is printed a new birthplace, a new birth date.  A new identity is the only thing that could resolve definitely the problem . Unfortunately, as rule, new identity is assigned only to Mafia members turned into informant, not to citizen persecuted by Mafia! It seems that only criminals have the right to gain a new life.


CAP.3                        The Backpack Emblem


Since 2005 we moved around Italy, as described into this part, with the new our own backpack, moving among the immigrant’s backpacks of any race. We inhabited side by side with immigrants into structures for poor people for a long time, our backpack was a new model different from the one of the immigrants. The our one was made by prosecutors that is “prosecutor-made”, the ours is full of statements and legal papers. A heavy backpack made up by injustice and a new lifestyle that we must suffer because of important names signaled into the first statements.

The ever present rucksack became the emblem of our condition: a new figure among the others that roamed into the poor structures. The burden that we carried was totally on our own shoulders: we could not leave it or trust in leaving documents into courts because in that place they were easy to be lost. The prosecutor-made backpack was full of fear and solitude. A backpack that drew a lot of attention among people. We always had backpack with us. We had it on Christmas, on new year’s day, on the train, in the hospital, at the court, at police headquarters and even at beach.

When we escaped from the first region, we escaped only with our backpack leaving the baggage over there. When we escaped from the second region we moved with two backpacks full of papers. In 2009 police forces stopped us on the road for a check, on the occasion we extracted some legal act from the backpack in order to explain our condition. In February 2010 another time police forces became suspicious of our backpacks — police became more suspicious after the 2005 London’s subways attempt, on the occasion terrorist used rucksacks — and another time we extracted from backpack other papers in order to explain.


We are still going with backpacks that are not made by Dolce & Gabbana or Gucci or Valentino, the ours are an exclusive model made by  prosecutors







[1] Vinci is a pseudonym

[2] see About Badante at page 112

[3] See (v)On open air

[4] See “The Venetians” page 65

[5] See  The Media Appeal broadcasted nationwide” page 69

[6] Carabinieri are the name of Italian military police, they have black cars with a red line.

[7] Priest has the keys of the room.

[8] You must consider in Italy a lawyer is provided by law in any condition: even when you haven’t the possibility  to pay; however this happens when a citizen is charged by a crime and not when a citizen charges others.